My World IS 230

Welcome to one of Working Playground's network ArtSpace blogs!

This blog is a part of an afterschool digital photography My World model program at Intermediate School 230 in Jackson Heights, Queens. It will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays, in the library, from 3-5pm.

Essential Questions:
How can my world educate and inspire me? How can I educate and inspire my world?

Foundation Statement: The Unites States is a county of immigrants, a "melting pot" or "salad bowl" of diverse cultures and identities. Jackson Heights is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the world. Through writing, storyboarding, and photography, students in this program will explore the art of storytelling, focusing on their own cultural identity and family stories. A workshop with a professional journalist will train students to ask questions and work in the field. Trips to the Y Gallery and the East Side Tenement Museum will look closely at immigration perspectives. Students will create a photo slideshow of their work in January. 

In the Spring, students will delve into the world of zines. Since the 14th C (before blogs), marginalized citizens all over the world have created their own leaflet styled publications as a way to give voice to their ideas. By being challenged to answer the question, "What about your world makes you angry?" students will choose a topic they would like to research through the internet, through first-hand interviews with community members, and through the lens of their cameras.  Each student will conceivably create one handmade book and zine with an edition of 10. The final project will be a group zine with a circulation of two to three hundred. Field trips include the Queens Museum of Art and the MET. 

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Field Trip! Lower East Side Tenement Museum

We went to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum! Click on the link for the website, where there are some really cool online activities.

We did a short walking tour of the area, but it was COLD! So we headed indoors for snacks and fun in the Confino Apartment where a costumed interpreter dressed as teenage Victoria Confino circa 1916 welcomed us as though we were newly arrived immigrants and taught us a few things about how to adapt to America. We were told our clothes looked funny and we would need to get some new ones or else we wouldn't fit in! We couldn't believe she had no t.v., no washing machine, and had to sleep on the kitchen floor!

Below are some photos the students took during the trip, click on them to enlarge. We shared cameras so it's hard to know who took which one. Also, we weren't allowed to take photos inside, sorry!

When asked to write about the most interesting thing they learned, the students wrote,

"The most amazing thing I learned at the museum is that there had to be 9-10 people per apartment and two families per bathroom." Alan
"In this trip I had so much fun. I think the most interesting thing to see was the acting because she is talking in other way. She is showing us odd things. I think in my mind this is the most fun and important thing." Tasnima

"What I learned on the trip was about the neighborhood and the things I heard about immigration life in the history channel video." Atenas
The most
interesting thing I learned was about the stories on the LES, and the pink retail building." Dominique